Well you could, but my job as a professional voiceover talent is to make your product or service so tantalizing that customers will JUMP at the chance to purchase it! Can the guy in your office do that? Besides, I can get the job done right the first time and send it back to you within 12-24 hours in most cases. Easy, right?
Why not let me put together a quote for you? Most people have a budget to work with, but advertising dollars are always well-spent. My rates are competitive and I know you will be happy with the final sound. Let me use my voice to make you money!
Here are the basics:
– Content of the message you’d like me to perform for you (the script)
– The style/emotion you want to read with (ie: warm & friendly, sultry, authoritative, conversational, etc.). If you’re not sure on this, I’ll interpret the style based on your content and target audience if you can provide that. Or we can set up a directed session–I want it to sound the way you imagine it!
– Time limit for the read (ie: 60-second commercial, 8-minute video, etc.). Be realistic, though. For example, if you can’t fit the content into about a minute for a 60-second spot, then I probably can’t do it either without making it sound completely rushed and unnatural.
– Approximate deadline. My goal is to get you an mp3 or WAV file within 12-24 hours, but let me know if you’re in a crunch and I’ll see what I can do!
Sure! I’d love to give you a feel for how your final product is going to sound. Just send me a short script to read and I’ll send you back a complimentary sample recording ASAP.
Well, that’s a case where I may need to charge a little bit extra, depending on the length of the original project and how many changes we’re talking about. But if it’s just a few words/a couple of lines, I don’t typically charge for that. Excellent customer service is important to me, so I always go the extra mile to make you happy and keep you looking good in front of your client. If you have any other questions at all, I would love to discuss them with you! I can be reached at tracy@tracylindley.com or (816)383-4145.